Mind you, these sketches and scribbles aren't created for beauty, but more to capture the blur of an idea and get it transferred onto paper before it disappears from my memory.
Some sketches are completed projects, like this lariat necklace that I created on a whim.
The finished piece turned out so well that I made a quick sketch of it, and along side of the sketch I detailed the materials that I used, so that if I wanted to create another one in the future, I had a written guide to what beads I used and in what sizes.
Most of what you will find in my jewelry design sketch book are quick sketches, what I think of as impressions of shapes, sizes, movements, sometimes little details. To some people they probably look like scribbles, but when I look at them, I know what's going on!

For example, the design above was the way the cables were installed on my basement wall. Funny, right? For some reason, the design of the cables and connectors just caught my eye, and I had to sketch them down. Who knows, maybe they will inspire a design sometime down the road!
The sketches above inspired the finished projects below...
Copper wire shawl pin. This is one of my very favorite pieces. Glorious simplicity!
Copper and turquoise earrings (unfinished)
Not everything turns out great, but practice makes perfect!
This one was titled, My Broken Bleeding Heart...I must've been pretty sad when I sketched that one out, but the finished project is beautiful, and unique...
These sketches later became projects in my book, Soldered Alchemy.
I absolutely LOVE scarabs!
I hope you enjoyed this little peek inside of my sketchbook. You don't have to be great at drawing to keep an illustrated record of your ideas, you just have to sketch them down. The importance is in the action.
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See all of my jewelry making videos here
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Have a great week!
Article copyright ©Laura Beth Love 2022 and may not be republished in print or other media without express written permission from the author. For any link updates or corrections leave correct info in comment area