Don't know what to do with all those old remnants of lace and inherited doilies? Check out these unique and fun ways to recycle and reuse these fading treasures.
Don't have any doilies of your own? Check your local thrift shops and yard sales and I think you'll be surprised at how plentiful (and inexpensive) these beauties are.
DIY Tutorial how to make a lace and wire heart, with video
Nelly Vintage Home
Doily lamp shade from A Beautiful Mess
Video tutorial for how to make a lace and wire heart
Don't have any doilies of your own? Check your local thrift shops and yard sales and I think you'll be surprised at how plentiful (and inexpensive) these beauties are.
DIY Tutorial how to make a lace and wire heart, with video
Nelly Vintage Home
Doily lamp shade from A Beautiful Mess
Video tutorial for how to make a lace and wire heart
DIY idea: frame lace and doilies atop of colored matting

Lace bib necklace by Urban Heirlooms via Etsy
Lace & doily lampshades

More doily lampshades

I think I like this one the most
Lace resist painting: lay lace on paper, spray with clear gloss spray, remove lace, paint with watercolors
For the project above you need:
Spray gloss finish Watercolor paints Doilies Yupo paper
You can use any type of paper for this project but the Yupo is recommended because is its less absorbent so it creates a great resist. To make, place the lace on the paper and spray the gloss spray through the lace onto the paper. Then remove the lace and paint the sprayed paper with watercolor paints. Project by Christine Adolph.
Lace printed stationary

Lace doily candle holder: made by soaking doilies in wallpaper glue or sugar starch and forming around a balloon. Sugar starch is 1/4c water mixed with 3/4 cup granulated sugar. For more permanency use fabric stiffener such as Stiffy.
Chair covered with lace and doilies by Collected Treasures

Doily wall display DIY from A Few Pretty Things
Framed doilies from Flea Market Trixie
Lace imprinted pottery (above and below) by Kim Wallace

Necklaces made with lace and fabric stiffener by White Owl
Paper doilies can also be used as paint stencils and provide the a similar effect as lace
Window screens made from old lace curtains
Lace screen door by VoxVintage
Window screens made from old lace curtains
Lace screen door by VoxVintage
Carved lace tape - this would be so pretty on a gift!
Adhesive lace tape

Doily wedding dress

Leather and lace handbags (above and below) by Urbanheirlooms

Lace in embroidery hoops
Lace doilies on canvas, painted white

Vintage lace jewelry (made by me!) DIY tutorial can be found in my bestselling jewelry project
book: Boho Chic Jewelry: 25 Timeless Designs Using Soldering, Beading, Wire Wrapping and More
(above and below)
Also available for sale in my Etsy Shop!
Also be sure to check out this DIY scrap lace curtain:

Did you know that you can use lace and doilies to make imprints in clay? Check this out:
Doily print clay dough ornaments tutorial
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