
Saturday, January 27, 2024

Update and New Broken China Jewelry In My Etsy Shop



Hi friends! Just a quick update to show off a few new pieces of broken china jewelry that I just finished yesterday and listed in my Etsy shop this morning!

I know Valentine's Day is right around the corner so I wanted to be sure to get a few brand new pieces in my shop before the big day! 

I am knee-deep into writing my 4th jewelry-making book (wow that went fast!) and I am SO excited to share it with you...but not just yet...I really like to have the cover finished and finalized before I share the title, if at all possible. But to give you super-sleuths a hint, I will only say that this is the book that most of you have been waiting for and for a long time! Horray! 

I hope to have this 4th book available within the next few months. I will keep you posted here in the blog and also over on my YouTube channel - which I, unfortunately, had to take a bit of a break from due to the holidays and also book 4. I can't do it all but I try! I will have some new YouTube videos out soon, I promise. 

Not only am I cruising through "book 4", but I am also laying down the foundations for yet another jewelry book (let's call it book 5!) which like I said is jewelry-related but a bit different from my others. I'll just say...wait and see, and if you enjoy the general theme of my jewelry-making books, then I think you'll really like this one too. 

One last thing I wanted to say was that I'm still super-bummed that you cannot leave comments here on the blog anymore. I will try to look into it again when I get a chance, but ever since about December '22 we tried to do something called a theme change to switch up the look of this blog, and when that happened - poof - the ability to comment just disappeared. So, I will continue to repost each of my blog posts on my Facebook page, and please leave comments there! I usually don't get to read them immediately, but I promise I do eventually get to read them all! Okay, that's enough of my blabbing. Here's what's new! Have a great weekend! 
- Laura

Article and images copyright ©Laura Beth Love 2024 and may not be republished in print or other media without express written permission from the author. As an Amazon Influencer, I earn from qualifying purchases.