
Thursday, September 19, 2019

How To Hang A China Plate With A Paper Clip (Video)

We crafty folks know that the most fun type of  home decorating is the decorating that we do ourselves. And even better is when that decorating is thrifted, clever, and costs next to nothing. 

Behold the humble paper clip. 

Ok actually the bigger sized paper clip. But this handy little invention isn't just for keeping papers neatly organized. Did you know that you can use one to hang a plate on your wall?

Yes, gone are the days of those awkward plate-hanging contraptions that grandma used. They were difficult to manipulate and once you finally got one attached to your plate, you could see it clipped to the edge of a plate. Hanging plate displays look so much better when the plates are given the illusion of floating on the wall without any visible hanging hardware.

Now, if you are going to hang a precious heirloom or valuable plate, then I suggest going the old route with the old style plate hanger, since those do not attach permanently to the plate. But what if you want to create a fun plate wall with inexpensive plates that you might collect from a thrift store or flea market? Then paper clips are definitely the way to go. 

Check out my latest video on my YouTube channel where I show you step by step how you can use a paper clip to hang a china plate. 

Once you're finished watching, be sure to check out 
Fun Ideas For China Plate Wall Displays
for some amazing plate wall inspiration to get your creative wheels turning! 

Here's what's new!

If you like the video and want to see more, be sure to give it a thumbs upI'm already working on another new video that I'm excited to share so be sure to check back and don't forget to subscribe! In the meantime, have a great weekend! Check out my YouTube channel

And here's last week's video in case you missed it!

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Have a great week! 

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Article copyright ©Laura Beth Love 2019 and may not be republished in print or other media without express written permission from the author. For any link corrections please leave correct info in comment area.