
Friday, October 11, 2013

How To Create A Wall Display With Vintage Silver Trays

Creating a wall display of silver serving trays is easier than you may think!
I love this look. Creating this display was one of the things that I most looked forward
 to when I was redecorating my dining room. I already had a small collection of silver 
plated serving trays that I had purchased at thrift shops. All I had to do was figure 
out where and how I wanted to hang them. Here is how I created the look.

I had the room painted sage green with one opposing wall painted deep plum.
After I had my furniture in place I decided that the trays would look great surrounding 
my baker's rack on the plum wall. I liked the idea of the contrast of vintage silver against
the deep plum. Because I was using different shaped trays, I held each tray up against the
wall to determine its placement and spacing. I didn't measure or do anything fancy, I
just decided which tray I liked next to which, and then estimated where I wanted to 
hang them.  This was important to do because the oblong trays could have been hung
either vertically or horizontally. I simply held each tray up against the wall and turned
it every which way until I was pleased with the order and placement.

Once I decided the placement of the trays on the wall, it was time to give each tray a
hook on the reverse side so that I could hang them. Here's how I did it.

Supplies needed: E6000 adhesive and large paper clips. That's it!

Before attaching my hooks, I washed my trays but I did not polish them. I wanted them
to retain their tarnished vintage finish so I just washed them in hot soapy dish water
and dried them. If you want your trays to be shiny, now is the time to polish them. 

For the hooks we will use E6000 adhesive and large paper clips. 
You can buy E6000 at most craft and hardware stores.

On the reverse side of your tray, determine where the center is. You can do this by
measuring with a ruler or measuring tape. Apply a long heavy bead of E6000
adhesive to that center spot near the edge or rim of the tray. If you tray is recessed like 
mine it the photo is, you will need to attach your hook not at the very lip of the tray, but at
the flat bottom area. This is so that the tray will hang flat against your wall. 

Pick up a large paper clip and gently bend it just slightly so that you separate the small 
bend from the large bend as shown in the photo. In the photo I am holding the large bend.
The smaller bend is what will go into the glue. The large bend will be the hook for the nail. 

Press the small bend of the paper clip into the adhesive that you put on the back of
your tray until the small bend of the clip is completely entrenched in adhesive. 
Allow adhesive to dry overnight.

Here is what it should look like. Once the adhesive has completely dried you 
can hang your trays!

Hammer your nail into your wall and then hang the tray on the nail by
hooking the large bend of the paper clip onto the nail. That's it! 
The size of the nail you use will be determined by the material that
your wall is made from and also the size and weight of your tray. For
large heavy trays you should use larger fasteners or mollys/anchors.

My completed display.

It's THAT easy!

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Article copyright ©Laura Beth Love 2019 and may not be republished in print or other media without express written permission from the author. For any link corrections please leave correct info in comment area.